2,528 research outputs found

    Food Additive

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    BRST Quantization of Unimodular Gravity

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    We study the quantization of two versions of unimodular gravity, namely fully diffeomorphism-invariant unimodular gravity and unimodular gravity with fixed metric determinant, utilizing standard path integral approach. We derive the BRST symmetry of effective actions corresponding to several relevant gauge conditions. We observe that for some gauge conditions, the restricted gauge structure may complicate the formulation and effective actions, in particular, if the chosen gauge conditions involve the canonical momentum conjugate to the induced metric on the spatial hypersurface. The BRST symmetry is extended further to the finite field-dependent BRST transformation, in order to establish the mapping between different gauge conditions in each of the two versions of unimodular gravity.Peer reviewe

    Effects of Gamma Radiation on the concentration of 5 Hydroxy L Tryptophan and 5 Hydroxytryptamine in presence of Radioprotector in Sprague Dawley Rats

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    The result of variation of 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (HT) and S-hydroxytryptamine (S-HT) in different tissues of control and gamma-irradiated Sprague Dawley rats with and without a radioprotector Beeta-amino-ethylisothiuronium bromide hydrobromide (AET) combination e.g. (HT + AET) have been studied. The retention of HT, in the tissues studied, decreased after lethal dose (10.5 Gy) but for 5-HT, no such trend was observed after incorporation of HT + AET. A slight tendency of both metabolites to come back to control level was also observed for Sprague Dawley rats. In urine, concentration of HT was less compared to 5-HT with a lethal dose (10.5 Gy). After incorporation of HT + AET the turnover rate of HT and 5-HT were found to be maximum when it was injected through intraperitoneal route

    Mycodecolorization Activity of Pleurotus Citrinopileatus for Chemically Different Textile Dye Under Varied Aromatic Amino Acids and Trace Elements

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    In the present study, ligninolytic enzymes laccase (benzenediol: oxygen reductase EC; and Manganese Peroxidase (Mn(II): hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase EC; activity and of White Rot Fungi (WRF) Pleurotus citrinopileatus were enhanced with the application of trace metal i.e. Copper and Manganese at 25 ppm and 50 ppm followed by aromatic amino acids (Phenylalanine, Tryptophan and Tyrosine) at 0.02 μM and 0.4 μM. Laccase and MnP activity were 213.42U and 202.28U respectively, observed at 300ppm of Methyl Red supplemented with Tyrosine (0.2μM) followed by treatment of Tryptophan (198.45U and 195.16U) and Phenylalanine (195.85U and 188.15U). Maximum Laccase and MnP activity (Tyrosine treated) were revealed maximum decolorization of Phenol Red and Methyl Red (84.14% and 78.20%) followed by Phenylalanine (80.92% and 73.80%) and Trypatophan (71.22% and 70.12%).  The negative correlation of  Laccase and MnP activity was observed with a higher concentration (>50ppm) of trace metal in the medium, while at 25ppm of copper supplemented medium increase three-fold of Laccase activity (585.56U) as tyrosine medium and similarly, Manganese (25ppm) inosculated medium revealed three-fold more MnP activity (478.95U).  A lower amount of Cu hoists Laccase and MnP activity which decolorized 300ppm of Methyl Red and Phenol Red with maximum percent (92.3% and 88.15%) followed by Mn. Thus, Laccase and MnP enzymes both play an important role in decolorization of dyes, and its activity was enhanced with the application of lower concentration of trace metals followed by aromatic amino acids

    Identification, characterization and expression analysis of ERF transcription factor VviERF073 and standardization of stable reference gene under salt stress in grape

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    Salinity is one of the several abiotic factors affecting grape productivity and quality. Transcription factors belonging to AP2/ERF family play an important role in abiotic stress response. Based on the in silico analysis of salt stress libraries of grape ESTs, a transcription factor VviERF073, having a single AP2/ERF conserved domain was identified. The sequence of VviERF073 was analyzed in 'Thompson Seedless'. VviERF073 belonged to the B2 subfamily of ERF transcription factors. Under salt stress, the relative expression of VviERF073 increased 2.7 fold in the leaves of grafted grapevine within six hours of salt stress. The expression increased to 8.7 fold at 15 days of salt stress, thus indicating its role in early as well as late response to salt stress. However, expression of VviERF073 did not change significantly in grapevines raised on own roots. The expression varied in the roots of 'Thompson Seedless' but not in the roots of '110R'. Under salt stress conditions, GAPDH and EF1α for grafted vines and Actin and Tubulin for own root vines, were identified as the stable reference genes for qPCR data normalization